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2022 Beekeepress Apprenticeship Application

Registration due date is April 25, 2020


About the training: This is a practical, experiential training in the “Wise Woman Way” that is hands-on as you are gently guided into deeper relationship with this special ancient ally, the honeybee. We will explore all the facets of these “little sisters” in a supportive, safe, and encouraging environment within our circle.


About the Melissae:  This is a women’s Shamanic Study that has been held safe for centuries until this time when she is resurfacing. It is an ecstatic practice upon the Path of Pollen.


The Bee Goddess merits infinite respect. She’s a special deity with whom I’m excited and honored to be playing with. I share her-story as an offering to the Bee Goddess, and as a way to revive the Sacred Feminine paradigm to Mother Earth.


Program Details


Your Commitment: You need to commit to punctual attendance, as you would be missing a unique body of work that is not possible to repeat. The program builds on the knowledge and experience in each specially designed session.


Completion of assigned homework tasks. Emphasis is also on cultivating your personal practice through ritual, meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, and drumming. 


Cost: The cost for the Program is $880 if paid by April 25th, and $1100 after that. A $100 deposit is required when you submit your application. The cost includes most class materials, a tambourine, all supplies needed to care for your adopted hive in Sharon’s bee yard this season, a bottle of mead from our Druid Fluid session, and a special graduation celebration. Every class, we share a midday meal that is a potluck, so plan to always bring something to pass. 


You will be responsible for acquiring a hat, bee veil, gloves, a copy of Ross Conrad’s book, “Natural Beekeeping,” and a journal.  We’ll send a detailed materials list when your application is accepted.



Because of the nature of the apprenticeship and the need to plan for every student, you must pre-register before the start of classes in May. Refunds will be provided to students who can’t participate due to circumstances beyond their control.


Location: Sharon’s home and bee yard, 6289 River Road Benzonia Mi 49616

Contact me if you have any questions Sharon’s Cell is 231 383-1919 or email

Registration Form


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